Valentine's Day is just around the corner! February 14th is already peeking around the corner, and you've got just enough time to make an adorable DIY Valentine's Day gift for the special someone in your life. These prezzies are easy on the wallet, high on love and are sure to brighten up your V-Day celebrations. Be sure to save your favourite ideas into your Dreamboard!
1. Coupons of Love - one of the easiest DIY Gift Ideas!
If your New Year's resolution is to budget better, then celebrate Valentine's Day 2020 with a gift that is kind to your wallet. Love Coupons are an adorable way to pamper your bae throughout the year - with coupons he/she can cash it whenever they like! These coupons can be for a massage, the last slice of pizza, or even to win an argument that's going nowhere. Get fancy with creating these digitally, or go old school with a set of felt pens. We'd recommend channelling all your creative energies and having fun with colours, glitter and more!

Image Source: HappyShappy
2. The Places We've Been - A Valentine's Day Gift for Travellers!
Whether you've got a serious case of Wanderlust, or take a mini-break only ever so often, this is one of the best DIY gift ideas for you! Celebrate all the adventures you've had together in the different places you've been -- where you met, where you had your first kiss, your favourite vacation together, and lots more. Grab an old atlas to get working on this project, or print out mini-maps of those locations. Frame them, write in your fondest memories and create a work of art. This has to be one of our favourite Valentine's Day gift ideas ever!

Image Source: HappyShappy
3. This Makes Total Sense!
Here's a Valentine's Day 2020 gift for him that he will love with all his senses! It's one of the DIY gift ideas that require a bit of planning - but is completely worth it! Start off by listing the 5 senses - sight, sound, smell, taste and touch -- and gifting him a little something for each of them. A mini cologne for a smell, homemade cookies for taste and so on - the ideas are endless whether you want to be naughty or sweet. Or spin the idea on its head and make this a Valentine's Day gift for her - she would love the smell of a scented candle, the taste of a beautiful macaron, and the sound of a playlist with her favorite songs.

Image Source: HappyShappy
4. A Ticket To Love!
This one requires a bit of planning, but is one of the easiest Valentine's Day gift ideas ever! Collect the ticket stubs of all the fun stuff you've done together - train rides during your vacations, metro morning commutes, the movies you loved, the ones you hated, the adventure parks you visited in the summer - and lots more. Stick them into an empty frame or a lovely decorative box and save the memories forever. Valentine's Day 2020 could be the first year you start this tradition and keep it going for years to come!

Image Source: HappyShappy
5. Home Bodies, Rejoice!
Here’s one of the best Valentine's Day gift ideas for your slightly anti-social bae. It’s the perfect Valentine's Day gift for him if he'd rather stay home, and the greatest Valentine's Day gift for her if she'd rather be in fuzzy socks than heels. Rather than get dressed up and hit the town, get comfy and cosy at home. Some special decor, your favourite movie, a delicious dinner, and some fancy bubbly will make this the perfect gift. If your bae's anything like us and prefers to stay indoors when it's chilly out, this is the best DIY gift ever!

Image Source: HappyShappy
6. Say Cheese!
A picture's worth a thousand words, and picking the right one of you and your love will convey everything you'd ever want to say. The toughest part of this DIY gift is to choose just one photo of the two of you that's your favourite. After that, grab an old mason jar and a few art supplies. The recycling gods will smile down upon you for this one as you transform the most basic glass jar into a beautiful, personalized gift. Top it off with a bit of vine, lace or beading and you've got a decorative piece that can jazz up your home as well.

Image Source: HappyShappy
7. Many Gifts are Better Than One!
Here's a gift that's full of everything they love. Grab a hamper or a wicker basket and fill it up with all of their favourite things! Donuts, beer, chocolates, fuzzy socks, new headphones, a pocket notebook - the options are endless. Think about all the things that make bae HappyShappy fill up their basket. This has got to be one of the most thoughtful Valentine's Day gift ideas for him and for her.

Image Source: HappyShappy
And there you have it, the best Valentine's Day gift ideas that are easy DIYs to make your bae feel special and loved! Whether you're a homebody, a creative genius, or living that budget life, there's something for everyone here that is sure to make your Valentine's Day special and HappyShappy!